Grave Descend is a novel written by Michael Crichton under the pseudonym John Lange. It was originally published in 1970, and later re-released in 2006 as part of the Hard Case Crime series. For this release, Michael Crichton did an overall revision of the text. The novel was nominated for the Edgar Award in 1971. …

Jasper Johns is a non-fiction coffee table book written by Michael Crichton about the artist Jasper Johns. It was originally published in 1977 by Harry N. Abrams, Inc. in association with the Whitney Museum of American Art, and a second revised edition was published in 1994. The psychiatrist Janet Ross owned a copy of …

A story about the potential perils of advanced technology chronicles the chaos that ensues when the prehistoric monsters living in a theme park run amok, in the novelization of the popular new film. Original. Movie tie-in.

„Juros periodo parkas“ – rašytojo Michael Crichton mokslinės fantastikos novelė, parašyta 1990 m. Knygoje pasakojama apie pramogų parko su genetiškai atkurtais dinozaurais žlugimą. 1995 m. pasirodė istorijos tęsinys „Dingęs pasaulis“. Pagal abi knygas režisierius Steven Spielberg pastatė filmus: „Juros periodo parkas“ …