Combining themes from Jurassic Park and Andromeda Strain, New York Times best-selling author Michael Crichton weaves a superbly suspenseful bio-thriller. Snapped up by a major motion picture studio, and heralded with a 1.25 million first hardcover printing, this fast-paced novel mixes primitive vivid creatures and …

Next is a 2006 techno-thriller novel by Michael Crichton, the last to be published during his lifetime. Next takes place in the present world, where both the government and private investors spend billions of dollars every year on genetic research. The novel follows many characters, including transgenic animals, in …

In the vein of Jurassic Park, this high conceptthriller follows a group of graduate students lured to Hawaii to work for amysterious biotech company—only to find themselves cast out into the rainforest, with nothing but their scientific expertise and wits to protect them. Aninstant classic, Micro pits nature against …