In an Arizona desert a man wanders in a daze, speaking words that make no sense. Within twenty-four hours he is dead, his body swiftly cremated by his only known associates. Halfway around the world archaeologists make a shocking discovery at a medieval site. Suddenly they are swept off to the headquarters of a …

Lumea Pierdută este un roman techno-thriller scris de Michael Crichton și publicat în 1995 de Alfred A. Knopf, continuarea romanului Jurassic Park. Romanul a apărut și în limba română, la editura Fahrenheit, în 1997, în traducerea lui Mihai Samoilă. Ca și în romanul cu același nume al lui Arthur Conan Doyle, este …

Combining themes from Jurassic Park and Andromeda Strain, New York Times best-selling author Michael Crichton weaves a superbly suspenseful bio-thriller. Snapped up by a major motion picture studio, and heralded with a 1.25 million first hardcover printing, this fast-paced novel mixes primitive vivid creatures and …

Sphere is a science fiction novel written by Michael Crichton and published in 1987. It was made into the film Sphere in 1998. The novel follows Norman Johnson as a psychologist who is engaged by the United States Navy to join a team of scientists assembled by the U.S. Government to examine an enormous spacecraft …

Congo este un roman ştiinţifico-fantastic scris de Michael Crichton și publicat în 1980.

State of Fear is a 2004 techno-thriller novel by Michael Crichton in which eco-terrorists plot mass murder to publicize the danger of global warming. Despite being a work of fiction, the book contains many graphs and footnotes, two appendices, and a twenty-page bibliography in support of Crichton's beliefs about …

Next is a 2006 techno-thriller novel by Michael Crichton, the last to be published during his lifetime. Next takes place in the present world, where both the government and private investors spend billions of dollars every year on genetic research. The novel follows many characters, including transgenic animals, in …

Airframe is a novel by American writer Michael Crichton, first published in hardcover in 1996 by Knopf and as a paperback in 1997 by Ballantine Books. The plot follows Casey Singleton, a quality assurance vice-president at the fictional aerospace manufacturer Norton Aircraft, as she investigates an in-flight accident …

Rising Sun is a 1992 internationally best-selling novel by Michael Crichton about a murder in the Los Angeles headquarters of Nakamoto, a fictional Japanese corporation. The book was published by Alfred A. Knopf. Although a detective/murder mystery novel at first glance, Rising Sun deals with the controversial subject …