The most celebrated and controversial French novelist of our time now delivers his magnum opus—about art and money, love and friendship and death, fathers and sons. The Map and the Territory is the story of an artist, Jed Martin, and his family and lovers and friends, the arc of his entire history rendered with …
Platform is a 2001 novel by controversial French writer Michel Houellebecq. It has received both great praise and great criticism, most notably for the novel's apparent condoning of sex tourism and anti-Muslim feelings. The author was charged for inciting racial and religious hatred after describing Islam as "stupid", …
Les partícules elementals és la segona novel·la de Michel Houellebecq, publicada a França el 1998. De seguida va aconseguir un gran èxit, guanyant l'últim Premi Novembre de França i essent escollida millor novel·la de l'any per la revista Lire. L'obra, dividida en tres parts, es desenvolupa entre el juliol de 1998 i …