image of מייקל מרשל סמית

מייקל מרשל סמית

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Michael Marshall Smith’s surreal, groundbreaking, and award-winning debut which resonates with wild humour interlaced with dark recollections of an emotional minefield. Now part of the Voyager Classics collection.May we introduce you to Stark.Oh, and by the way — good luck.Stark is the private investigator who goes to …

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The Straw Men is a 2002 crime novel by the British writer Michael Marshall. Marshall has previously published some well-received SF titles under the name Michael Marshall Smith, but following in the footsteps of Iain Banks and Brian Aldiss, Marshall has decided to swap names to denote a switch in genre.

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Talking fridges, human clone farms, flying shopping malls – we must be in the Michael Marshall Smith zone. A world all too close to our own…Spares – human clones, the ultimate health insurance. An eye for an eye – but some people are doing all the taking.Spares – the story of Jack Randall: burnt-out, dropped out, and …

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One of Us is a novel by Michael Marshall Smith first published in 1998. It was the third novel Smith had published, and is similar in style to his earlier works, Only Forward and Spares, written as it is in sardonic first person prose, and set in a near future version of west coast America where things have become …

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Running from a horrifying evil that he encountered in the high plains of the Columbia River, Wade Hopkins leaves a trail of death and destruction in his wake as he fights to survive. Original.

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The short story collection What You Make It by Michael Marshall Smith was first published in 1999, and represents the first time that the author's short stories had been collected. The contents were later republished as part of the expanded collection More Tomorrow & Other Stories, which unlike What You Make It …

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The Intruders is a book written by Michael Marshall.

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The Servants is a young adult contemporary fantasy novel by British author M. M. Smith. It tells the story of an eleven-year-old boy named Mark who, against his wishes, moves away from his home town of London to the wintry Brighton seaside, and the resulting misadventures. It was nominated in 2008 for a World Fantasy …

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