Golf in the Kingdom is a 1971 novel by Michael Murphy. It has sold over a million copies and been translated into 19 languages. Golf in the Kingdom tells the story of Michael Murphy, a young traveler who accidentally stumbles on a mystical golfing expert while in Scotland. Murphy was inspired to write the book after …
Golf in the Kingdom is a 1971 novel by Michael Murphy. It has sold over a million copies and been translated into 19 languages. Golf in the Kingdom tells the story of Michael Murphy, a young traveler who accidentally stumbles on a mystical golfing expert while in Scotland. Murphy was inspired to write the book after …
Il genere umano e il pianeta Terra sono alle soglie di un nuovo stadio evolutivo in cui trascendente e immanente, spirito e natura, si fonderanno armoniosamente. Sempre più di frequente, infatti, siamo testimoni di incontri con il trascendente: ogni giorno sentiamo di persone, famose e non, la cui vita è stata …