Anil’s Ghost is the critically acclaimed fourth novel by Michael Ondaatje. It was first published in 2000 by McClelland and Stewart. Anil’s Ghost follows the life of Anil Tissera, a native Sri Lankan who left to study in Britain and then the United States on a scholarship, during which time she has become a forensic …
O paciente inglês é um romance do canadense Michael Ondaatje, que deu origem ao filme The English Patient. Venceu o Prémio Man Booker em 1992. A narrativa passa-se no Norte de África e Itália durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Running in the Family is a fictionalized memoir, written in post-modern style involving aspects of magic realism, by Michael Ondaatje. It deals with his return to his native island of Sri Lanka, also called Ceylon, in the late 1970s. It also deals with his family. Much of the focus falls on his father Mervyn Ondaatje …
Michael Ondaatje’s new selected poems, The Cinnamon Peeler, brings together poems written between 1963 and 1990, including work from his most recent collection, Secular Love. These poems bear witness to the extraordinary gifts that have won high praise for this truly original poet and novelist.