The Savage Nation: Saving America from the Liberal Assault on Our Borders, Language, and Culture is Michael Savage's 18th book. It was published in 2003 and spent 18 weeks on the NY Times best seller list, debuting at #4. It provides conservative social commentary and criticism of liberals, Islam and Democrats.

America's bravest, brashest voice is back?as ferocious and cutting as ever. "Where has six decades of radical, mad-dog liberalism brought us?" Savage asks in his electrifying new book. "I'll tell you where: America is teetering on the cliffs of insanity." Written with the fire, the conviction, and the clear vision of …

Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder: Savage Solutions is the 20th book written by conservative radio personality Michael Savage. In the book, Michael Savage accuses liberals and leftists of making political moves that undermine the basic tenets of American life, including marriage, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of …