Sayın Başkan, Miguel Angel Asturias'ın romanlarından biridir. Orta ve Güney Amerika'nın en büyük yazarı kabul edilen Miguel Angel Asturias'ın en önemli eserlerinden olan Sayın Başkan yazarın en büyük eseri kabul edilen Guatemala Efsaneleri'nden sonra 1946 yılında yayınladığı bu ikinci eseriyle dünya ölçüsünde bir ün …

Men of Maize is a 1949 novel by Guatemalan Nobel Prize in Literature winner Miguel Ángel Asturias. The novel is usually considered to be Asturias's masterpiece, yet remains one of the least understood novels produced by Asturias. The title Hombres de maíz refers to the Maya Indians' belief that their flesh was made of …

Leyendas de Guatemala was the first book to be published by Nobel-prizewinning author Miguel Ángel Asturias. The book is a re-telling of Maya origin stories from Asturias's homeland of Guatemala. It reflects the author's study of anthropology and Central American indigenous civilizations, undertaken in France, at the …