Maestrul și Margareta este un roman al scriitorului rus Mihail Bulgakov despre o vizită a diavolului în Uniunea Sovietică. Mulți critici îl consideră una din cele mai importante opere ale secolului XX. Moscova anilor 1930, care primeșe vizita Satanei, deghizat ca "profesorul" Woland, un misterios gentilom "magician" …

The White Guard is a novel by 20th-century Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov, famed for his critically acclaimed later work The Master and Margarita.

Brilliant stories that show the growth of a novelist's mind, and the raw material that fed the wild surrealism of Bulgakov's later fiction.With the ink still wet on his diploma, the twenty-five-year-old Dr. Mikhail Bulgakov was flung into the depths of rural Russia which, in 1916-17, was still largely unaffected by …