Milan Kundera's lightest novel, a divertimento, an opera buffa, Slowness is also the first of this author's fictional works to have been written in French. Disconcerted and enchanted, the reader follows the narrator of Slowness through a midsummer's night in which two tales of seduction, separated by more than two …

Život je jinde je druhý román Milana Kundery z roku 1969. Je psán česky a pojednává o osudech naivního básníka Jaromila před druhou světovou válkou a po ní. Poprvé byl vydán ve francouzském překladu v roce 1973, v češtině ho vydalo až exilové nakladatelství Sixty-Eight Publishers v Torontu v roce …

A New York Times Notable Book Irena and Josef meet by chance while returning to their homeland, which they had abandoned twenty years earlier. Will they manage to pick up the thread of their strange love story, interrupted almost as soon as it began and then lost in the tides of history? The truth is that after …

Identity is a novel by Franco-Czech writer Milan Kundera, published in 1998. It is possibly his most traditional novel in terms of narrative structure. It's also one of his shortest novels. The phrase "masturbating fetus" appears to have been coined in this novel.

Milan Kundera is a master of graceful illusion and illuminating surprise. In one of these stories a young man and his girlfriend pretend that she is a stranger he picked up on the road--only to become strangers to each other in reality as their game proceeds. In another a teacher fakes piety in order to seduce a …

Žert je první román Milana Kundery napsaný roku 1965 a poprvé vydaný roku 1967 nakladatelstvím Československý spisovatel.

Nesmrtelnost je román česko-francouzského spisovatele Milana Kundery. Milan Kundera napsal svůj sedmý román v letech 1987 až 1988. Román byl napsán francouzsky a v následujících letech byl Kunderou přeložen do češtiny. Poprvé vyšel francouzsky v roce 1990 pod francouzským titulem L'Immortalité. Česky byla kniha poprvé …

In one of the finer modern ironies of the life-imitates-art sort, the country that Kundera seemed to be writing about when he talked about Czechoslovakia is, thanks to the latest political redefinitions, no longer precisely there. This kind of disappearance and reappearance is, partly, what Kundera explores in The …

Is written in Czeckoslovakian "Po ?ty?ech letech strávených v ?enev? ubytovala se Sabina v Pa?í?i a nemohla se vzpamatovat z melancholie. Kdyby se jí n?kdo ze ptal, co se jí stalo, nena?la by pro to slov. ?ivotní drama se dá v?dycky vyjád?it metaforou tí?e. ?íkáme, ?e na ?lov?ka dopadlo n?jaké b?emeno. ?lov?k to …