In one of the finer modern ironies of the life-imitates-art sort, the country that Kundera seemed to be writing about when he talked about Czechoslovakia is, thanks to the latest political redefinitions, no longer precisely there. This kind of disappearance and reappearance is, partly, what Kundera explores in The …

Encounter is the latest addition to the acclaimed body of literary criticism from beloved author Milan Kundera (The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting). Novelist Russell Banks writes, “Not since Henry James, perhaps, has a fiction writer examined the process of writing with such …

Identity is a novel by Franco-Czech writer Milan Kundera, published in 1998. It is possibly his most traditional novel in terms of narrative structure. It's also one of his shortest novels. The phrase "masturbating fetus" appears to have been coined in this novel.

Ignoranța este un roman scris de Milan Kundera, publicat în 2000. Romanul, scris în limba franceză, este centrat pe povestea lui Josef și a Irenei care emigraseră din Cehoslovacia, imediat după invazia armatei roșii, în 1968, ce a zdrobit Primăvara de la Praga. Aceștia se întorc acasă, în Cehia, după căderea …