Eddie is a wounded war veteran, an old man who has lived, in his mind, an uninspired life. His job is fixing rides at a seaside amusement park. On his 83rd birthday, a tragic accident kills him, as he tries to save a little girl from a falling cart. He awakes in the afterlife, where he learns that heaven is not a …

《모리와 함께한 화요일》은 미국 작가 미치 앨봄이 쓴 비소설이다. 1997년에 출간되었고, 205주 동안 《뉴욕타임즈》 비소설 분야 베스트셀러 목록에 올랐다. 대한민국에는 1998년 번역, 출간되었다. 1999년 12월 5일 TV영화로 제작되어 방영됐다. 실화를 책으로 옮긴 모리와 함께한 화요일의 주인공은 1959년부터 브랜다이스대학교에서 사회학과 교수로 학생들을 가르쳐왔던 모리 슈워츠 교수와 그의 제자 미치 앨봄이다. 저자가 졸업 후 모리 교수를 재회했을 때 그는 근위축증을 앓고 있었는데 근위축증은 흔히 루게릭병으로 알려져있다. 이 책은 양장본으로 출판된 지 5년 …

This is the story of Charley, a child of divorce who is always forced to choose between his mother and his father. He grows into a man and starts a family of his own. But one fateful weekend, he leaves his mother to secretly be with his father - and she dies while he is gone. This haunts him for years. It unravels his …

Have a Little Faith is a 2009 non-fiction book by Mitch Albom, author of previous works that include Tuesdays with Morrie and The Five People You Meet in Heaven. It is based on two separate sets of conversations that took place between the author and members of the clergy: a rabbi in a relatively affluent section of …

For One More Day is a 2006 philosophical novel by Mitch Albom. Like his previous works, it features mortality as a central theme. The book tells the story of a troubled man and his mother, and explores how people might use the opportunity to spend a day with a lost relative.

“Talent is a piece of God’s shadow, and under that shadow, human stories intersect.” A Spanish war orphan born in a burning church and raised by a blind guitar teacher, Frankie Presto was gifted with extraordinary musical abilities that shape not only his life but the lives of those around him. At nine years old, …