Tokyo is a 2004 novel by British crime writer Mo Hayder. It was short-listed for the Crime Writers' Association Gold Dagger award, as well as several others. Tokyo was reviewed by the internationally-read UK newspaper, the Guardian as well as by Kirkus Reviews under its US title.

Journalist Joe Oakes makes his living exposing supernatural hoaxes. But when his is invited to stay with a cultlike religious group on Scotland's remote Pig Island, Oakes is terrified to learn he may have finally found the real thing. The sect has split with its founder, Malachi Dove, who lives barricaded behind a …

治療,是英國犯罪小說家莫·海德(Mo Hayder)2001年的小說。這本書為她贏得了 2002年WH Smith Thumping Great Read Award。小說延續了《鳥人》的主角 DI Jack Caffery。