Molière understood profoundly what makes us noble, pathetic, outrageous and funny, and in his splendid comedies satirized human folly to perfection. One of the best of his plays — and one of the greatest of all comedies — is The Misanthrope, first performed in 1666, when the King of France himself had assumed …

Classic satire, one of the best by France's greatest comedic playwright, pokes fun at the sham and hypocrisy of 17th-century French society. A wealthy tradesman, Monsieur Jourdain, yearns to become a gentleman in order to win the hand of a marchioness — disregarding the inconvenient fact that he is already married — …

Den girige är en komedipjäs från 1668 av Molière som efter Tartuffe är den mest spelade av Molières pjäser. Den hade urpremiär i Paris den 9 september 1668. I Den girige visar Molière karaktärsdrag i fokus. Pjäsen handlar om Harpagon som genom hela pjäsen blandar ihop kärlek och pengar. När hans kista fylld med pengar …

Les Précieuses ridicules is a one-act satire by Molière in prose. It takes aim at the précieuses, the ultra-witty ladies who indulged in lively conversations, word games and, in a word, préciosité. Les Précieuses ridicules is a biting comedy of manners that brought Molière and his company to the attention of …