Doktrina šoka - knjiga kanadske spisateljice Naomi Klein na temu globalizacije, objavljena u rujnu 2007. Knjiga proučava učinke i primjene liberalnih teorija Miltona Friedmana i chicaške škole u različitim zemljama svijeta, od šezdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća do 2007. Glavna teza autorice, govori da se primjena tih …

A finalist for the 2023 National Book Critics Circle AwardNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER | National Indie BestsellerA New York Times notable book of 2023 | Vulture’s #1 book of 2023One of Slate’s ten best books of 2023 | A Guardian best ideas book of 2023 | One of Time’s ten best books of 2023 | Winner of the Pacific …

Naomi Klein's No Logo is an international bestselling phenomenon. Winner of Le Prix Mediations (France), and of the National Business Book Award (Canada) it has been translated into 21 languages and published in 25 countries.Named one of Ms Magazine's Women of Year in 2001, and declared by the Times (London) to be …

Fearless necessary reporting . . . Klein exposes the ‘battle of utopias’ that is currently unfolding in storm-ravaged Puerto Rico” (Junot Díaz, author of The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao) “We are in a fight for our lives. Hurricanes Irma and María unmasked the colonialism we face in Puerto Rico, and the inequality …