Victory of Eagles is the fifth novel in the Temeraire alternate history/fantasy series by American author Naomi Novik. The series follows the actions of William Laurence and his dragon, Temeraire. Victory of Eagles was released in hardcover in North America and the United Kingdom on July 8, 2008.
Empire of Ivory is the fourth novel in the Temeraire alternate history/fantasy series by American author Naomi Novik. The series follows the actions of William Laurence and his dragon, Temeraire. The book takes place in Africa and follows Laurence and Temeraire's search for a cure to the disease that has paralyzed the …
Black Powder War is the third novel in the Temeraire alternate history/fantasy series by American author Naomi Novik.
Yeşim Taht, Naomi Novik tarafından yazılmış, alternatif tarih/fantezi türü bir kitaptır. Temeraire kitap serisinin 2. kitabıdır. Türkçe'ye Ekim 2010 tarihinde çevrilmiştir.