Firdaus. Storia di una donna egiziana è un romanzo sociale-drammatico scritto da Nawal al-Sa'dawi. La storia è realmente accaduta ed è per questo narrata dalla stessa Firdaus. In Egitto il libro ha suscitato scalpore e per questo è stato censurato.

"This powerful account of the oppression of women in much of the Arab world remains as shocking today as when it was first published, more than a quarter of a century ago. Nawal El Saadawi writes out of a powerful sense of the violence and injustice which permeated her society. Her experiences working as a doctor in …

The Fall of the Imam is a novel by Egyptian writer Nawal El Saadawi published in Arabic in 1987. The English translation by the author's husband Sherif Hetata was published in 1988.