image of Neal Stephenson

Neal Stephenson

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Debido a la colisión con un meteorito, la Luna estalla en siete pedazos y el cielo de la Tierra deja de ser tal y como lo conocemos. Al contrario de lo que se podría pensar, las mareas no son el principal problema de la ausencia de la Luna, sino los restos de ella que siguen orbitando alrededor de nuestro planeta. Los …

... Unknown

Měsíc zasáhne záhadný super hustý (neviditelný) objekt a roztříští ho. Lidstvo si zprvu oddychne, že o vlásek uniklo zkáze, avšak vědci brzy zjistí, že trosky se budou dále tříštit a nakonec se zřítí na Zemi a vyhubí veškerý život. Nikdo neuteče, snad jen do vesmíru. Tam ale zatím obíhá pouze Mezinárodní vesmírná …

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Quicksilver is a historical novel by Neal Stephenson, published in 2003. It is the first volume of The Baroque Cycle, his late Baroque historical fiction series, succeeded by The Confusion and The System of the World. Quicksilver won the Arthur C. Clarke Award and was nominated for the Locus Award in 2004. Stephenson …

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In 1942, Lawrence Pritchard Waterhouse—mathematical genius and young Captain in the U.S. Navy—is assigned to detachment 2702. It is an outfit so secret that only a handful of people know it exists, and some of those people have names like Churchill and Roosevelt. The mission of Waterhouse and Detachment 2702—commanded …

... Unknown

A chronicle of the breathtaking exploits of "Half-Cocked Jack" Shaftoe -- London street urchin-turned-legendary swashbuckling adventurer -- risking life and limb for fortune and love while slowly maddening from the pox. . . and Eliza, rescued by Jack from a Turkish harem to become spy, confidante, and pawn of royals …