Idlewild is a science fiction novel by Nick Sagan, published in 2003. It is the first of a trilogy, with sequels Edenborn and Everfree. The story is split between two settings: the middle of the 21st century and a generation later. It is a picture of the last ten people on earth, a near-complete pantheon of gods and …
Charts from prototype to realization the real-life technical evolution of 50 of the poplar science-fiction inventions. This title includes: "Buck Rogers'" jetpack, "Jetsons" - Flying cars, "Star Trek's" transporters, "The Six Million-Dollar Man's" cyborg, "Sleeper's" Orgasmatron, and "2001's" artificial intelligence.
Everfree is a novel by Nick Sagan. It is the sequel to Edenborn and the final installment of this trilogy.