The Executioner's Song is a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Norman Mailer that depicts the events related to the execution of Gary Gilmore for murder by the state of Utah. It was a finalist for the 1980 National Book Award. The title of the book may be a play on "The Lord High Executioner's Song" from Gilbert and …

Hailed as one of the finest novels to come out of the Second World War, The Naked and the Dead received unprecedented critical acclaim upon its publication and has since become part of the American canon. This fiftieth anniversary edition features a new introduction created especially doe the occasion by Norman …

The Castle in the Forest is the last novel by writer Norman Mailer, published in the year of his death, 2007. It is the story of Adolf Hitler's childhood as seen through the eyes of Dieter, a demon sent to put him on his destructive path. The novel explores the idea that Hitler had no Jewish heritage but was the …

An American Dream is Norman Mailer's fourth novel, published by Dial Press. Mailer wrote it in serialized form for Esquire, consciously attempting to resurrect the methodology used by Charles Dickens and other earlier novelists, with Mailer writing each chapter against monthly deadlines. The book is written in a …

Tough Guys Don't Dance is a noir thriller and murder mystery novel by American writer, Norman Mailer, reminiscent of the works of Dashiell Hammett and Mickey Spillane. The book was filmed in 1987.

Ancient Evenings is a novel by American author Norman Mailer. It deals with the lives of two protagonists, one young, one old, in a very alien Ancient Egypt marked by journeys by the dead, reincarnation, and violent and hyper-sexual gods and mortals in a complex combination of historical fiction, allegory, poetic …

Harlot's Ghost, a fictional chronicle of the Central Intelligence Agency by Norman Mailer. The characters are a mixture of real people and fictional figures.

The Gospel According to the Son is a 1997 novel by Norman Mailer. It purports to be the story of Jesus Christ, told autobiographically.

The Armies of the Night adalah sebuah novel nonfiksi yang ditulis oleh Norman Mailer dan diterbitkan oleh New American Library tahun 1968. Buku ini memenangkan Hadiah Pulitzer untuk Non-Fiksi Umum dan National Book Award dalam kategoriin kategori Arts and Letters. Judul lengkap buku ini adalah Armies of the Night: …

Norman Mailers klassiske reportasjebok fra «The Rumble in the Jungle» – århundrets boksekamp – er regnet som tidenes beste idrettsbok. Begivenhetene utspiller seg i Kinshasa, hovedstaden i Zaire. Datoen er 30. oktober 1974. I det ene hjørnet står den regjerende verdensmesteren i tungvekt George Foreman, fryktet for …