Harlot's Ghost, a fictional chronicle of the Central Intelligence Agency by Norman Mailer. The characters are a mixture of real people and fictional figures.
Le Chant du bourreau est un roman de l'écrivain américain Norman Mailer, publié en 1979, et inspiré de la vie et des témoignages de proches de Gary Gilmore. Il fut récompensé par le prix Pulitzer en 1981.
Norman Mailers klassiske reportasjebok fra «The Rumble in the Jungle» – århundrets boksekamp – er regnet som tidenes beste idrettsbok. Begivenhetene utspiller seg i Kinshasa, hovedstaden i Zaire. Datoen er 30. oktober 1974. I det ene hjørnet står den regjerende verdensmesteren i tungvekt George Foreman, fryktet for …
The Deer Park is a Hollywood novel written by Norman Mailer and published in 1955 by G.P. Putnam's Sons after it was rejected by Mailer's publisher, Rinehart & Company, for obscenity. Despite having already typeset the book, Rinehart claimed that the manuscript's obscenity voided its contract with Mailer. Mailer …
The Armies of the Night is a nonfiction novel written by Norman Mailer and published by New American Library in 1968. It won the Pulitzer Prize for General Non-fiction and the National Book Award in category Arts and Letters. The book's full title is Armies of the Night: History as a Novel/The Novel as History. Mailer …
XIII + 665 pages - plats et contre-plats jaspés - signet conservé - dos à 4 nerfs - auteur, titre et ornements dorés au dos. Bon état Couv. convenable Intérieur frais In-8 Carré Relié demi-cuir Preface de ANDRE MAUROIS - Traduit de l'americain par JEAN MALAQUAIS.