image of Norman Rush

Norman Rush

... Unknown

Mating is a novel by American author Norman Rush. It is a first-person narrative by an unnamed American anthropology graduate student in Botswana around 1980. It focuses on her relationship with Nelson Denoon, a controversial American anthropologist who has founded an experimental matriarchal village in the Kalahari …

... Unknown

Mortals is the second novel by American author Norman Rush, and was published in 2003. The close third-person narrative follows Ray Finch, an American anthropology CIA agent student in Botswana after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Ray suspects his beloved wife Iris of an affair with Davis Morel, a Harvard-educated …

... Unknown

Whites is an award-nominated book written by Norman Rush.

... Unknown

Avait-il une seule raison grave de s'inquieter ? Non. Il ne s'etait rien passe d'anormaI. Aucune menace ne pesait sur lui. C'etait ridicule de perdre son sang-froid et il le savait si bien qu'ici encore, au milieu de la fete, il essayait de reagir.D'ailleurs, ce n'etait pas de l'inquietude a proprement parler et il …