Bug Jack Barron is a 1969 science fiction novel written by Norman Spinrad, and was nominated for the 1970 Hugo awards. The book was serialised in the British New Wave science fiction magazine New Worlds during Michael Moorcock's editorship. Its explicit language and cynical attitude toward politicians, as well as the …
Visul de fier este o ucronie metaficțională scrisă de Norman Spinrad. Cartea conține o narațiune de sine stătătoare care spune o poveste într-o poveste. La suprafață, romanul prezintă o poveste science fiction pulp, post-apocaliptică deloc ieșită din comun, intitulată Stăpânul svasticii. Aceasta este o narațiune …
The Void Captain's Tale is a 1983 science fiction novel by the American author Norman Spinrad. The Void Captain's Tale takes place three or four thousand years in the future in a fictional universe called the Second Starfaring Age, a setting Spinrad revisited in the 1985 novel Child of Fortune. The book contains …
The world of the future faces an out of control ecosystem in the form of overpopulation, pollution, and other environmental disasters, forcing Earth's government to convene for an emergency meeting. 15,000 first printing.
Child of Fortune is a 1985 science fiction novel by the American author Norman Spinrad. Like his previous book The Void Captain's Tale, Child of Fortune takes place three or four thousand years in the future in a fictional universe called the Second Starfaring Age. It is a coming of age story about a young girl's …
One of the most celebrated underground science ficition of the time. Led to the "Agents of Pie-Kill Unlimited" the group that for a price would throw a pie in anyone's face.
Solarienii este un roman science fiction, fiind prima carte publicată de scriitorul Norman Spinrad. Spre deosebire de controversatele opere ulterioare, acesta este un space opera clasic, cu bătălii spațiale, călătorii cu viteze superluminice și dușmani extratereștri, duglaarii. De asemenea, apar câteva teme specifice …