In the aftermath of his terrible war, Ender Wiggin disappeared, and a powerful voice arose: The Speaker for the Dead, who told the true story of the Bugger War.Now, long years later, a second alien race has been discovered, but again the aliens' ways are strange and frightening...again, humans die. And it is only the …

エンダー・ウィッギンが死者の代弁者として植民惑星のルジタニアにやってきてから、30年が過ぎた。原住種族ピギーに殺された異類学者のために代弁をしたあと、エンダーは現地の女性と結婚し、そのままルジタニアにとどまっていたのだ。だが、人類に致命的な病気をもたらすデスコラーダ・ウィルスの蔓延を怖れるスターウェイズ議会が、ウィルスを惑星ごと殲滅しようと粛清艦隊を派遣。その到着が目前に迫っていた……! …

Children of the Mind is the fourth book of Orson Scott Card's popular Ender's Game series of science fiction novels that focus on the character Ender Wiggin. This book was originally the second half of Xenocide, before it was split into two novels.

Shadow Puppets is a science fiction novel by American author Orson Scott Card, published in 2002. It is the sequel to Shadow of the Hegemon and the third book in the Ender's Shadow series. It was originally to be called Shadow of Death.

Shadow of the Giant is the fourth novel in Orson Scott Card's Ender's Shadow series, which is also called the Bean Quartet.

American Library Association “Best Books for Young Adults”From the author of Ender’s Game, an unforgettable story about young Alvin Maker: the seventh son of a seventh son. Born into an alternative frontier America where life is hard and folk magic is real, Alvin is gifted with the power. He must learn to use his gift …