Orson Scott Card and Aaron Johnston return to their Ender's Game prequel series with this first volume of an all-new trilogy about the Second Formic War in The Swarm. The first invasion of Earth was beaten back by a coalition of corporate and international military forces, and the Chinese army. China has been …

The Ships of Earth is the third book of the Homecoming Saga by Orson Scott Card. The Homecoming saga is a fictionalization of the first few hundred years recorded in the Book of Mormon.

The Memory of Earth is the first book of the Homecoming Saga by Orson Scott Card. The award-winning Homecoming saga is a loose sci-fi fictionalization of the first few hundred years recorded in the Book of Mormon.

Orson Scott Card's The Last Shadow is the long-awaited conclusion to both the original Ender series and the Ender's Shadow series, as the children of Ender and Bean solve the great problem of the Ender Universe—the deadly virus they call the descolada, which is incurable and will kill all of humanity if it is allowed …

The Folk of the Fringe is a collection of post-apocalyptic stories by American writer Orson Scott Card. These stories are set sometime in the near future, when World War III has left America in ruins. The stories are about how a few groups of Mormons struggle to survive. Although all of these stories in this book were …

The Call of Earth is the second book of the Homecoming Saga by Orson Scott Card. The Homecoming saga is a fictionalization of the first few hundred years recorded in the Book of Mormon.

Teatr Cieni – książka z gatunku science-fiction, napisana przez Orsona Scotta Carda. Jest to trzecia część Sagi Cienia. Wydanie oryginalne ukazało się w 2002, a polskie w 2003. Jest to kontyuacja zdarzeń opisanych w Cieniu Endera oraz Cieniu Hegemona. Cykl paralelny do Sagi Endera. Głównymi bohaterami są Peter Wiggin, …

Siódmy syn to należąca do gatunku fantasy powieść Orsona Scotta Carda będąca pierwszą z cyklu Opowieści o Alvinie Stwórcy. W Polsce książka wydana została nakładem wydawnictwa Prószyński i S-ka w 1993 r. Siódmy syn zdobył w 1988 Nagrode Locusa za najlepszą powieść fantasy, oraz był nominowany do nagród Hugo i World …