Orson Scott Card's The Last Shadow is the long-awaited conclusion to both the original Ender series and the Ender's Shadow series, as the children of Ender and Bean solve the great problem of the Ender Universe—the deadly virus they call the descolada, which is incurable and will kill all of humanity if it is allowed …
Orson Scott Card and Aaron Johnston return to their Ender's Game prequel series with this first volume of an all-new trilogy about the Second Formic War in The Swarm. The first invasion of Earth was beaten back by a coalition of corporate and international military forces, and the Chinese army. China has been …
The Worthing Saga is a science fiction book by American writer Orson Scott Card, set in the Worthing series. It is made up of the novel The Worthing Chronicle and nine related stories. Six of the stories are from Card’s short story collection Capitol and the other three are early works, two of them previously …
The Abyss is a science fiction novel by Orson Scott Card based on an original screenplay by James Cameron.
Treasure Box is the second horror novel by Orson Scott Card. It takes place in modern day America.
Umbra Hegemonului este al doilea roman din Saga Umbrelor a lui Orson Scott Card și al șaselea roman din Universul lui Ender. Acțiunea este relatată în principal din perspectiva lui Bean, un personaj secundar al romanului original Jocul lui Ender. Cartea Umbra Hegemonului a fost nominalizată la premiul Locus în …
Umbra Uriașului este al patrulea roman al seriei Saga lui Ender scrisă de Orson Scott Card.
Umbra lui Ender este un roman science fiction scris de autorul american Orson Scott Card, a cărui acțiune are loc în paralel cu Jocul lui Ender, descriind aceleași evenimente din perspectiva lui Bean, un personaj secundar din romanul original. Cartea a fost intitulată inițial Urchin, dar și-a schimbat titlul în Umbra …