Teleny, or, The Reverse of the Medal, is a pornographic novel, first published in London in 1893. The authorship of the work is unknown. There is a general consensus that it was an ensemble effort, but it has often been attributed to Oscar Wilde. Set in fin-de-siècle Paris, its concerns are the magnetic attraction and …

"شبح كانترفيل" هي قصة قصيرة شهيرة بقلم أوسكار وايلد، وتم اقتباسها على نطاق واسع في الشاشة والمسرح. كان أول قصة يقوم وايلد بنشرها، وظهرت في مجلة The Court and Society Review في فبراير 1887. وأدرجت لاحقا في مجموعة من القصص القصيرة بعنوان جريمة اللورد آرثر سافيل وقصص أخرى في عام 1891. تتكلم القصة حول عائلة تنتقل إلى قلعة …

The Complete Letters of Oscar Wilde is a book that contains over a thousand pages of letters written by Oscar Wilde. Wilde's letters were first published as The Letters of Oscar Wilde in 1962, edited by Rupert Hart-Davis and published by his publishing firm. Merlin Holland revised the book and included new discoveries …