image of 奥斯卡·王尔德


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Each volume in a collection of affordable, readable editions of some of the world's greatest works of literature features a chronology of the author's life and career, a concise introduction containing valuable background information, a timeline of significant events, an outline of key plot points and themes, detailed …

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《快乐王子与其他故事》是爱尔兰作家王尔德的英文儿童故事集。著名中译本为巴金所译。书中所载之最著名者属《快乐王子》。 故事集中包含的故事有: 〈快乐王子〉 〈夜莺与玫瑰〉 〈自私的巨人〉 〈忠实的朋友〉 〈非凡的炮竹〉