Les Bouts de bois de Dieu est un roman de l'écrivain sénégalais Ousmane Sembène paru en 1960. Il décrit la grève que menèrent en 1947 les cheminots africains de la ligne Dakar-Niger, du temps de la colonisation française. Portail du Sénégal Portail de la littérature Portail du chemin de fer Portail du syndicalisme …

Xala is a 1973 novel by Ousmane Sembène. It is about El Hadji Abdou Kader Beye, a businessman who is struck by impotence on the night of his wedding to his third wife. It was adapted into a movie, also called Xala and directed by Sembene.

The money-order with White genesis is a book containing two novellas by Senegalese author Ousmane Sembène, first published in French in 1966. An English-language translation was published in 1972. It tells two stories. In White Genesis, a mother struggles with conflict after her teenage daughter's pregnancy becomes …