The Dark Hills Divide is a children's fantasy and mystery novel by Patrick Carman, the first book in The Land of Elyon series. It focuses on Alexa Daley, who is the daughter of Mr. Daley, the mayor of fictional Lathbury.

המעגל השחור הוא ספר מאת פטריק קרמן, החמישי בסדרת 39 רמזים. הספר יצא בעברית בשנת 2011, לאחר שתורגם על ידי רוני בק.

Beyond the Valley of Thorns is the second book in Patrick Carman's trilogy of novels, The Land of Elyon.

The Tenth City is the third book in Patrick Carman's trilogy of novels, The Land of Elyon.

Skeleton Creek is a 2009 children's horror mystery novel by Patrick Carman, the first of a series. The second is Ghost in the Machine.