El nom del vent. Crònica de l'Assassí de Reis: Primer dia és una novel·la de fantasia èpica escrita per Patrick Rothfuss, escriptor estatunidenc i professor adjunt de llengua i filologia anglesa a la Universitat de Wisconsin. Va publicar-se per primer cop als Estats Units el 2007 i a Catalunya el 2011. Aquesta …

El temor d'un home savi. Crònica de l'Assassí de Reis: Segon dia és una novel·la de fantasia escrita per Patrick Rothfuss. Aquesta novel·la forma part de la trilogia Crònica de l'Assassí de Reis, els altres dos títols són: El nom del vent, que el precedeix i una altra novel·la encara no publicada, Les portes de pedra …

Deep below the University there is a dark place Few people know of it a broken web of ancient passageways and abandoned rooms A young woman lives there tucked among the sprawling tunnels of the Underthing snug in the heart of this forgotten place Her name is Auri and she is full of mysteries The Slow Regard of Silent …

In the first volume of The Adventures of The Princess and Mr. Whiffle, we learned what lurks beneath our beds. What's more, we learned that little girls are not helpless, and that princesses are not always what they seem.In this second installment of the Princess's adventures, we learn a little more about the …

Bast knows how to bargain. The give-and-take of a negotiation is as familiar to him as the in-and-out of breathing; to watch him trade is to watch an artist at work. But even a master's brush can slip. When he accepts a gift, taking something for nothing, Bast's whole world is knocked askew, for he knows how to …