Paris, anos 60. No café Condé reúnem-se poetas malditos, futuros situacionistas e estudantes. À nostalgia que impregna aquelas paredes junta-se um enigma personificado numa mulher: todas as personagens e histórias confluem na misteriosa Louki. Quatro homens contam-nos os seus encontros e desencontros com a filha de …

Missing Person is the sixth novel by French writer Patrick Modiano, published on 5 September 1978. In the same year it was awarded the Prix Goncourt. The English translation by Daniel Weissbort was published in 1980. Rue des Boutiques Obscures is the name of a street in Rome where one of the characters lived, and …

Modiano's debut novel is a sardonic, often grotesque satire of France during the Nazi occupation. We are immediately plunged into the hallucinatory imagination of Raphaël Schlemilovitch, a young Jewish man, torn between self-aggrandisement and self-loathing, who may be the heir to a Venezuelan fortune, may have lived …