Mr. Vertigo is a novel written by the American author Paul Auster. Faber & Faber first published it in 1994 in Great Britain. The book fits well in Auster’s bibliography, which has reappearing themes like failure and identity and genres like absurdist fiction, crime fiction and existentialism. Mr. Vertigo tells …
Man in the Dark is a novel by Paul Auster published in August 2008. Its topic is a dystopian scenario of the present-day USA being torn apart by a new secession and civil war after the presidential elections of 2000. This is told within a frame narrative of an aging journalist reflecting on his family and the death of …
Mr. Bones, the canine hero of Paul Auster's astonishing new book, is the sidekick and confidant of Willy G. Christmas, a brilliant and troubled homeless man from Brooklyn. As Willy's body slowly expires, he sets off with Mr. Bones for Baltimore in search of his high school English teacher and a new home for his …
Leviathan är en roman skriven av den amerikanske författaren Paul Auster och utkom 1992.
Månpalatset är en roman av Paul Auster som utkom 1989. Paul Auster tar oss med på en trollbindande resa genom tid och rum. En resa som ständigt drivs av sökandet efter tillhörighet, identitet. Liksom i Austers övriga verk spelar slumpen en oerhört stor roll och Auster blandar, även här, verkligheten med …
Nathan Glass has come to Brooklyn to die. Divorced, estranged from his only daughter, the retired life insurance salesman seeks only solitude and anonymity. Then Nathan finds his long-lost nephew, Tom Wood, working in a local bookstore—a far cry from the brilliant academic career he'd begun when Nathan saw him last. …