Mr. Bones, the canine hero of Paul Auster's astonishing new book, is the sidekick and confidant of Willy G. Christmas, a brilliant and troubled homeless man from Brooklyn. As Willy's body slowly expires, he sets off with Mr. Bones for Baltimore in search of his high school English teacher and a new home for his …

The Story of My Typewriter is a little book, by Paul Auster, mostly with pictures by the painter Sam Messer about the author's old Olympia typewriter. Auster bought the typewriter in 1972 from an old college friend who had owned it since 1962. Allegedly everything Auster has written since has been typed on it. The …

The Red Notebook is the first of a collection of stories in four parts written by American author Paul Auster. These include The Red Notebook, Why Write?, Accident Report and It Don't Mean a Thing. They are true stories gathered from Auster's life as well as the lives of his friends and acquaintances and they have all …

A fireman and a gambler enter a poker game with two rich eccentrics, risking everything on the single blind turn of a card. Jim Nashe is the Boston fireman, who needs music as a life crutch. His wife abandons him just before his father dies, leaving him money that he squanders aimlessly while driving around America. …

The Invention of Solitude is the debut work of Paul Auster, a memoir published in the year 1982. The book is divided into two separate parts, Portrait of an Invisible Man, which concerns the sudden death of Auster's father, and The Book of Memory, in which Auster delivers his personal opinions concerning subjects such …