Paul Auster's most intimate autobiographical work to dateIn the beginning, everything was alive. The smallest objects were endowed with beating hearts . . .Having recalled his life through the story of his physical self in Winter Journal, internationally acclaimed novelist Paul Auster now remembers the experience of …

I cannot possibly offer enough praise for David Mazzucchelli and Paul Karasik 's adaptation of City of Glass. While some critics found it to be a dry choice of books to turn into a comics, I think the interplay between image and text only heightens the original metafictional narrative. The treatment of the first …

Månpalatset är en roman av Paul Auster som utkom 1989. Paul Auster tar oss med på en trollbindande resa genom tid och rum. En resa som ständigt drivs av sökandet efter tillhörighet, identitet. Liksom i Austers övriga verk spelar slumpen en oerhört stor roll och Auster blandar, även här, verkligheten med …