image of Paul Stewart

Paul Stewart

... Unknown

Stormchaser is a children's fantasy novel by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell, first published in 1999. It is the second volume of The Edge Chronicles and of the Twig Saga trilogy; within the stories' own chronology it is the fifth novel, following the Quint Saga trilogy that was published later.

... Unknown

Freeglader is a children's fantasy novel by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell, first published in 2004. It is the seventh volume of The Edge Chronicles and the third of the Rook Saga trilogy; within the stories' own chronology it is the ninth novel, following the Quint Saga and Twig Saga trilogies.

... Unknown

Muddle Earth, Paul Stewart ve Chris Riddell tarafından 2003'te yazılan romanın çizgi diziye uyarlanmış halidir. Yüzüklerin Efendisi filmindeki karakterlerle benzerlikler göstermektedir. 2011 yılında CBBC tarafından çizgi diziye uyarlanmıştır.

... Unknown