In a breathtaking adventure story, the paranoid and brilliant inventor Allie Fox takes his family to live in the Honduran jungle, determined to build a civilization better than the one they've left. Fleeing from an America he sees as mired in materialism and conformity, he hopes to rediscover a purer life. But his …

Wielki bazar kolejowy – powieść podróżnicza Paula Theroux z 1975. Polskie tłumaczenie ukazało się w 2010. Językiem reportażowym opisuje kolejową podróż odbytą przez autora, począwszy od 19 września 1973, a zakończoną w końcu grudnia. Książka była odpowiedzią na sztampową, według autora, narrację książek podróżniczych, …

Dark Star Safari is a written account of a trip taken by author Paul Theroux 'overland from Cairo to Cape Town' via trains, buses, cars, and armed convoy. Theroux had lived in Africa as a young and idealistic early member of the Peace Corps and part of the reason for this trip was to assess the impact on Africa of the …

Riding the Iron Rooster is a travel book by Paul Theroux primarily about his travels through China in the 1980s. One of his aims is to disprove the Chinese maxim, "you can always fool a foreigner". It won the 1989 Thomas Cook Travel Book Award. Theroux travelled through China for a year, ending his journey in Tibet …

The Old Patagonian Express is a written account of a journey taken by novelist Paul Theroux. Starting out from his home town in Massachusetts, via Boston and Chicago, Theroux travels by train across the North American plains to Laredo, Texas. He then crosses the border and takes a train south through Mexico to …

The Kingdom by the Sea is a written account of a three-month-long journey taken by novelist Paul Theroux round the United Kingdom in the summer of 1982. Starting his journey in London, he takes a train to Margate on the English coast. He then travels roughly clockwise round the British coastline, mainly by train, …

The Pillars of Hercules: A Grand Tour of the Mediterranean is a travelogue written by the American travel writer and novelist Paul Theroux, first published 1995. It concerns a year-and-a-half long expedition around the shoreline of the Mediterranean Sea from one of Hercules' Pillars to the other undertaken during …

Pociąg widmo do Gwiazdy Wschodu – powieść podróżnicza Paula Theroux z 2008. Polskie tłumaczenie ukazało się w 2010. Powieść jest nawiązaniem do odbytej przez autora podróży podobnym szlakiem w 1973, opisanej w Wielkim bazarze kolejowym. Autor, po trzydziestu latach wybrał się w kolejową podróż szlakiem zbliżonym do …

My Secret History is a novel by Paul Theroux published in June 1989 by Putnam Adult in the US and Hamish Hamilton in the UK. The novel follows the life of Andre Parent as he "grows" through his life and the person he becomes through his experiences, experiences that have been said by some to be extremely …