Calling upon metaphors, vignettes, jokes, innuendos, and certain other "right-hemispheric" language games, Paul Watzlawick shows how we can (and do) make everyday life miserable. Do you see the past through a rosy filter that makes it seem like Paradise Lost? Are you convinced that traffic lights always turn red for …

The connection between communication and reality is a relatively new idea. It is only in recent decades that the confusions, disorientations and very different world views that arise as a result of communication have become an independent field of research. One of the experts who has been working in this field is Dr. …

Comment, dans les relations humaines, les impasses apparaissent-elles ? Qu'est-ce qui fait que, souvent, nos tentatives de provoquer un changement ne font que nous emmurer dans un jeu sans fin? Il y a des changements qui ne sont que source de la permanence. Dire "plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose" équivaut, si …