The Valkyries is a 1992 novel by Paulo Coelho. The book is autobiographical, but told from the third person. It deals with the exorcism of personal demons and discovering one's strength. It also deals with relationships among people, in this case, Paulo and his wife. Together with her, he embarks on a journey through …
Alchymista je román brazílskeho spisovateľa Paula Coelha. Prvýkrát bol vydaný v Rio de Janeiru roku 1988, v slovenčine vydavateľstvom SOFA v roku 2004. V knihe sa nás autor snaží presvedčiť o zmysluplnosti cesty za osobným šťastím. Zároveň je presvedčený, že každý človek má svoj príbeh, ale len málokto z nás ho …
I want to change. I need to change. I'm gradually losing touch with myself. Adultery, the provocative new novel by Paulo Coelho, best-selling author of The Alchemist and Eleven Minutes, explores the question of what it means to live life fully and happily, finding the balance between life's routine and the desire for …