The Unusual Life of Tristan Smith is a novel by the Australian writer Peter Carey. It was first published by the University of Queensland Press in Australia and Faber & Faber in the United Kingdom in 1994. Subsequent editions and translations have appeared in the United States, France, Germany, and elsewhere.

Wrong about Japan is a 2004 book by Peter Carey. It is subtitled A Father's Journey with his Son. Superficially a piece of travel writing, Wrong About Japan, is a partially fictionalized account of Carey's cultural investigation of Japan alongside his son, Charley.

His Illegal Self is a 2008 novel by Australian author Peter Carey. It was shortlisted for the 2008 Queensland Premier's Literary Awards and longlisted for the 2010 International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award.

This novel, by the author of "Oscar and Lucinda", tells the story of a man who, recovering from death, is convinced that he is in hell. For the first time in his life, Harry Joy sees the world as it really is, and takes up a notebook to explore and notate the true nature of the Underworld.

Illywhacker is a novel by Australian writer Peter Carey. It was published in 1985, short-listed for the 1985 Booker Prize, and won the Victorian Premier's Literary Award and The Age Book of the Year Award. It was also short-listed for the 1986 World Fantasy Award. The novel tells the story of Herbert Badgery, …

Parrot and Olivier in America is a novel by Australian writer Peter Carey. It was on the shortlist of six books for the 2010 Man Booker Prize. It was also a finalist for the 2010 National Book Award. The book is an improvisation on the life of Alexis de Tocqueville. An extract was published as: Carey, Peter. "Parrot". …