Talismanen är en fantasy- och skräckroman av Stephen King och Peter Straub från 1984. Den kom ut i svensk översättning 1986. Den unge pojken Jack Sawyer lever tillsammans med sin döende mor Lily på ett ödsligt badhotell på flykt från sin döde fars kompanjon som vill ta över moderns del av företaget och inte skyr några …

Dream's youngest sister, the loopy Delirium, convinces him to go on a quest for their missing brother, Destruction. But Dream may learn that the cost of finding his prodigal sibling is more than he can bear.

Svarta huset är en skräckroman av Stephen King och Peter Straub från 2001. Den kom ut i svensk översättning 2004.

The internationally bestselling novel by the author of A Kiss Before Dying, The Boys from Brazil, and Rosemary's BabyWith an Introduction by Peter StraubFor Joanna, her husband, Walter, and their children, the move to beautiful Stepford seems almost too good to be true. It is. For behind the town's idyllic facade lies …

Shadowland is a novel by Peter Straub, first published in 1980 by Coward, McCann and Geohegen. It is a horror novel that has strong elements of fantasy. It was the first book Straub wrote following his highly successful Ghost Story.

Lost Boy, Lost Girl is a 2003 horror/suspense novel by Peter Straub. The book won the 2003 Bram Stoker Award for Best Novel and was a 2004 August Derleth Award nominee. A sequel, In the Night Room, follows.

Floating Dragon is the seventh novel by author Peter Straub, originally published by Underwood-Miller in November 1982 and G.P. Putnam's Sons in February 1983.