image of Peter Straub

Peter Straub

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Shadowland is a novel by Peter Straub, first published in 1980 by Coward, McCann and Geohegen. It is a horror novel that has strong elements of fantasy. It was the first book Straub wrote following his highly successful Ghost Story.

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Contes de la fée verte, son précédent recueil de nouvelles, démontrait la fulgurance du talent de Poppy Z. Brite. Avec Self-made man, elle revient avec de nouvelles histoires exquises et effrayantes. De l'horreur pure avec Délivrance, où un jeune travesti découvre l'amour avec un tueur, à la nouvelle historique …

... Unknown

Dream's youngest sister, the loopy Delirium, convinces him to go on a quest for their missing brother, Destruction. But Dream may learn that the cost of finding his prodigal sibling is more than he can bear.

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