Peer Gynt je drama u pet činova norveškog pisca Henrika Ibsena, napisana 1867. i izdana iste godine. Ibsen je većinu drame napisao na talijanskom otoku Ischia. Djelo se računa kao vodeće u norveškoj literaturi. Ibsen ga je napisao nakon djela Požar, a glavna osoba Požara je sušta suprotnost liku Peera Gynta. Dok …

A huge international corporation has developed a facility along the Juan de Fuca Ridge at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean to exploit geothermal power. They send a bio-engineered crew--people who have been altered to withstand the pressure and breathe the seawater--down to live and work in this weird, fertile undersea …

“This―THIS―is the cutting edge of science fiction.” ―Richard K. Morgan, author of Altered CarbonHow do you stage a mutiny when you're only awake one day in a million? How do you conspire when your tiny handful of potential allies changes with each job shift? How do you engage an enemy that never sleeps, that sees …