image of Peter Watts

Peter Watts

... Unknown

It's been two months since a myriad of alien objects clenched about the Earth, screaming as they burned. The heavens have been silent since - until a derelict space probe hears whispers from a distant comet. Something talks out there: but not to us. Who to send to meet the alien, when the alien doesn't want to meet? …

... Unknown

A huge international corporation has developed a facility along the Juan de Fuca Ridge at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean to exploit geothermal power. They send a bio-engineered crew--people who have been altered to withstand the pressure and breathe the seawater--down to live and work in this weird, fertile undersea …

... Unknown

Peras Giuntas – eiliuota penkių veiksmų Henriko Ibseno pjesė, įkvėpta norvegiškos pasakos tuo pačiu pavadinimu. Pjesė pirmą kartą buvo išleista 1867 m. Kopenhagoje ir amžininkų interpretuota kaip norvegų visuomenės satyra. Peras Giuntas – tai žinomiausia visų laikų norvegų teatro pjesė, kuri išpopuliarėjo visame …

... Unknown

Second in the Rifters Trilogy, Hugo Award-winning author Peter Watts' Maelstrom is a terrifying explosion of cyberpunk noir. This is the way the world ends: A nuclear strike on a deep sea vent. The target was an ancient microbe—voracious enough to drive the whole biosphere to extinction—and a handful of amphibious …

... Unknown
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Prepare for a different kind of singularity in Peter Watts' Echopraxia, the follow-up to the Hugo-nominated novel Blindsight. It's the eve of the twenty-second century: a world where the dearly departed send postcards back from Heaven and evangelicals make scientific breakthroughs by speaking in tongues; where …

... Unknown
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