Set in the middle of the twenty-first century, The Simulacra is the story of an America where the whole government is a fraud and the President is an android. Against this backdrop Dr. Superb, the sole remaining psychotherapist, is struggling to practice in a world full of the maladjusted. Ian Duncan is desperately in …
The Philip K. Dick Reader is a collection of science fiction stories by Philip K. Dick. It was first published by Citadel Twilight in 1997. Many of the stories had originally appeared in the magazines If, Science Fiction Adventures, Science Fiction Stories, Orbit, Fantasy and Science Fiction, Imagination, Future, …
Now Wait for Last Year is a 1966 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick. It's 2055 and Earth is caught between two galactic powers in an interstellar conflict. Dr. Eric Sweetscent and his wife Kathy get addicted to a powerful drug that appears to cause time travel. The doctor's patient is the world leader, UN …
The Penultimate Truth is a 1964 science fiction novel by American writer Philip K. Dick. The story is set in a future where the bulk of humanity is kept in large underground shelters. The people are told that World War III is being fought above them, when in reality the war ended years ago. The novel is based on …
Confessions of a Crap Artist is a 1975 novel by Philip K. Dick, originally written in 1959. Dick wrote about a dozen non-science fiction novels in the period from 1948 to 1960; this is the only one published during his lifetime. The novel chronicles a bitter and complex marital conflict in 1950s suburban California …
Clanurile de pe Alpha este un roman scris de Philip K. Dick, bazat pe povestirea Shell Game publicată pentru prima dată în revista Galaxy Science Fiction.
Counter-Clock World is a 1967 science fiction novel by author Philip K. Dick. It was expanded from his short story Your Appointment Will Be Yesterday, first published in the August 1966 edition of Amazing Stories.
Eye in the Sky is a science fiction novel written by Philip K. Dick and originally published in 1957. The title refers to the gigantic, all-seeing eye of God; at least, that is, as a manifestation of one Arthur Silvester's personal worldview. He is an elderly schismatic Bábí World War II army veteran whose inner life …
Labirintul morții este un roman științifico-fantastic al scriitorului american Philip K. Dick. Ca multe dintre romanele lui Dick, el prezintă ceea ce pare a fi o planetă colonizată monotonă și aspră, explorând diferențele dintre realitate și percepție. Totuși, este una dintre puținele cărți care explorează instinctul …
Radio Free Albemuth este un roman distopic de Philip K. Dick, scris în 1976 și publicat postum în 1985. Inițial intitulat VALISystem A, a fost prima sa încercare de a transpune în ficțiune experiențele sale de la începutul anului 1974. Atunci când editorii săi de la Bantam i-au solicitat să-l rescrie într-o versiune …