In Milton Lumky Territory is a realist, non-science fiction novel authored by Philip K. Dick. Originally written in 1958, but rejected by prospective publishers, this book was eventually published posthumously in 1985 by Dragon Press. It was published in two editions. Fifty copies were bound in quarter leather and …
The Divine Invasion is a BSFA Award nominated 1981 science fiction book by Philip K. Dick. It is the second book in the gnostic VALIS trilogy, and takes place in the indeterminate future, perhaps a century or more after VALIS. It was originally titled, "Valis Regained". After the fall of Masada in 74 AD, God, or "Yah" …
Bob Arctor is a dealer of the lethally addictive drug Substance D. Fred is the police agent assigned to tail and eventually bust him. To do so, Fred takes on the identity of a drug dealer named Bob Arctor. And since Substance D--which Arctor takes in massive doses--gradually splits the user's brain into two distinct, …
A Kizökkent idő Philip K. Dick tudományos-fantasztikus regénye, amely először 1959-ben jelent meg. Magyarul 2004-ben jelent meg Pék Zoltán fordításában.
A Különvélemény egy 2002-ben megjelent novelláskötet, mely Philip K. Dick tíz novelláját tartalmazza. A kötetet a Szukits Könyvkiadó adta ki magyarul az azonos című mozifilm premierje alkalmából, és használta fel a borítóhoz a film egyik plakátját. A történetek nagy része már korábban publikálva volt olyan …