Un requiem allemand est un roman policier de Philip Kerr paru en anglais en 1991, avec comme héros, dans sa troisième apparition, le détective Bernhard Gunther qui a survécu à la Seconde Guerre mondiale, va connaître d'autres aventures dans l'Allemagne d'après-guerre et ailleurs. Ce roman clôt La Trilogie …

Gridiron is a science fiction novel written by British author Philip Kerr. It is a story about a highly technical building, which becomes self-aware and tries to kill everyone inside, confusing real life with a video game.

This Edgar® Award-nominated novel in Philip Kerr’s New York Times bestselling Bernie Gunther series reveals the cynical, hard-boiled detective’s harrowing history as an unwilling SS officer in World War 2. During his eleven years working homicide in Berlin's Kripo, Bernie Gunther learned a thing or two about evil. …

The Second Angel is a science fiction novel by Scottish author Philip Kerr. The title of the book comes from a Bible quote, 'And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man'. Historical myths about blood such as this play a big part in The Second Angel, as well as many …