Portnoyn tauti on romaani, joka nosti yhdysvaltalaisen kirjailija Philip Rothin maailmanmaineeseen. Kirjan seksuaalinen sisältö aiheutti runsaasti keskustelua. Englanninkielinen alkuteos Portnoy's Complaint ilmestyi vuonna 1969. Kirjan päähenkilö on kuvitteellinen Alexander Portnoy, joka kuvaa elämäänsä, seksuaalista …

Reading Myself and Others is an anthology of essays, interviews and criticism by the author Philip Roth. The first half of the book is built mainly upon Roth's assessment of his own published works at the time of the anthology's publication. The second half of the volume consists of essays and introductions by Roth …

Like a latter-day Gregor Samsa, Professor David Kepesh wakes up one morning to find that he has been transformed. But where Kafka's protagonist turned into a giant beetle, the narrator of Philip Roth's richly conceived fantasy has become a 155-pound female breast. What follows is a deliriously funny yet touching …

Sabbath's Theater is a comic creation of epic proportions, and Mickey Sabbath is its gargantuan hero. Once a scandalously inventive puppeteer, Sabbath at sixty-four is still defiantly antagonistic and exceedingly libidinous. But after the death of his long-time mistress—an erotic free spirit whose adulterous daring …

In an astonishing feat of empathy and narrative invention our most ambitious novelist imagines an alternate version of American history In 1940 Charles A Lindbergh heroic aviator and rabid isolationist is elected President Shortly thereafter he negotiates a cordial understanding with Adolf Hitler while the new …