Patrimony: A True Story is a memoir by American writer Philip Roth. It was first published by Simon & Schuster in 1991.

Reading Myself and Others is an anthology of essays, interviews and criticism by the author Philip Roth. The first half of the book is built mainly upon Roth's assessment of his own published works at the time of the anthology's publication. The second half of the volume consists of essays and introductions by Roth …

Brilhante e despudorado, este romance de Phillip Roth apresenta ao leitor o sexagenário Mickey Sabbath, artista de fantoches aposentado. Desempregado, sujo e trapaceiro, ele arrasta o leitor para o seu labirinto de adultério e morte. No auge da carreira, Roth realiza uma façanha de virtuosismo dramático. Entre as …

At forty, the writer Nathan Zuckerman comes down with a mysterious affliction—pure pain, beginning in his neck and shoulders, invading his torso, and taking possession of his spirit. Zuckerman, whose work was his life, is unable to write a line. Now his work is trekking from one doctor to another, but none can find a …

Like a latter-day Gregor Samsa, Professor David Kepesh wakes up one morning to find that he has been transformed. But where Kafka's protagonist turned into a giant beetle, the narrator of Philip Roth's richly conceived fantasy has become a 155-pound female breast. What follows is a deliriously funny yet touching …